Thursday, September 10, 2015

Homebrew Warning: You have an outdated version of /usr/bin/install_name_tool installed

When using homebrew, you may encounter this error when you run brew doctor :
Warning: You have an outdated version of /usr/bin/install_name_tool installed.
This will cause binary package installations to fail.
This can happen if you install osx-gcc-installer or RailsInstaller.
To restore it, you must reinstall OS X or restore the binary from
the OS packages.

Now, no need to get the Yosemite Installer app. Just download the install_name_tool from this link:
Download and copy it to your /usr/bin directory. 
Backup the existing install_name_tool:
cd /usr/bin
mv install_name_tool install_name_tool.backup

And just copy the downloaded install_name_tool to /usr/bin.
Voila!! No warning, and everything install perfectly.

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